How Memory Care Can Bring Comfort and Relief to Loved Ones

How Memory Care Can Bring Comfort and Relief to Loved Ones

Award-Winning Memory Care Brings Comfort to residents in Omaha.

An estimated 50 million people are living with dementia, making it one of the most common causes of disability for the elderly worldwide.

Living with dementia can cause feelings of fear, frustration, and confusion as memory loss increases and potential personality changes set in. However, it is not the patients, alone, who feel the impact of dementia and Alzheimer's.

Loved ones of dementia patients often suffer from the emotional toll of watching dementia set in and from the burnout of caregiving. If this sounds familiar to you, we'd like to talk to you about memory care and how it can bring you comfort and relief.

Read on for our guide to our memory care program at Parsons House on Eagle Run and find out if memory care is right for your loved one.

What Is Memory Care?

At Parsons House, we provide top-notch live-in facilities for seniors who can benefit from assisted living. Our residents in the memory care program are given spacious private studios with a 3/4 bath in a secure building. Each day, they are visited by caregivers and given nutritious meals that are created to feed both the mind and body.

Our residents in the memory care program receive more than day-to-day assistance with cleaning, grooming, and eating. We also maintain a full calendar of activities, outings, and events developed by our own memory care specialist. In addition, we provide routine wellness reviews to monitor our residents' physical and mental wellbeing so that we can adjust their care accordingly.

All of this is done to ensure that memory loss, dementia, or Alzheimer's is managed to the best of our abilities. While there is no known cure for dementia or Alzheimer's at this time, there are proven ways to help manage and slow the progression of these diseases. Our memory care program targets these methods by encouraging engagement, physical activity, socialization, and more.

How Can Memory Care Help Both Patients and Their Loved Ones?
Now that we've talked about what memory care is, let's take a look at how it can help both our residents and their loved ones. From providing daily support to encouraging family involvement, we make both our residents and their loved ones and caregivers our number one priority.

Daily Support

When we are tasked with providing care for a loved one with a dependency-inducing disability, we often put our own needs on the backburner. We may feel like our needs are not a priority or that it is a sign of ineptitude to ask for help. The reality is that there is strength in reaching out for support and receiving it can do wonders for your mental and emotional health.

Many individual caregivers suffer from what we refer to as "burnout," which occurs when we feel drained or exhausted by the care we are expected to give. Moving your loved one to an assisted living facility is a great way to receive the daily support your loved one needs while giving you the time and space to reenergize and focus on yourself. You can relax knowing that your loved one is in good hands and working with specialists who understand their condition.

Specialized Outings and Programs for Social and Emotional Stimulation

Socialization and emotional stimulation have been found to slow the progress of diseases like dementia. Regular social interaction exercises the mind and allows individuals to practice their ability to decode and interpret information. In addition, socialization can reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, two mental health issues that can worsen symptoms like memory loss.

One of the most upsetting things about watching a loved one struggle with dementia is watching the disease progress. You may notice an increase in both short-term and long-term memory loss as well as the onset of behaviors and moods that are unfamiliar to you. It can be difficult to take comfort in the company of your loved one when it feels as though they are slipping away.

Once our residents begin our memory care program, both they and their loved ones often notice a positive improvement in mood and cognitive abilities. Take a look at our testimonials to see what people have said about Parsons House.

Encouraged Family Involvement

When a loved one moves into an assisted living facility, it doesn't mean that you won't be able to see them on a regular basis. We encourage visits and involvement in activities from both family and non-familial caregivers. The more involved you are in your loved one's memory care, the more you'll get to see the wonderful benefits of our program.

With the relief of caregiver burnout, many of our residents and their loved ones see an improvement in their relationship. No longer do you have to focus on your loved one's basic, day-to-day needs. Instead, you can get back to having enriching, meaningful conversations and experiences together.

Contact Us to Learn More About Memory Care in Omaha, Nebraska

Are you caring for someone who is experiencing memory loss and other symptoms of dementia or Alzheimer's? Is it putting a strain on your own mental and emotional health? It's time to find the care your loved one needs that will bring you comfort and relief.

Parsons House on Eagle Run provides one of the largest and most comprehensive memory care programs in Omaha, Nebraska. We work with specialists to develop methods and activities to address the needs of dementia patients and slow the progress of the disease.

To find out more about our award-winning memory care program in Omaha, contact us today.

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